Dear customers, partners, friends, in the name of the whole nanosun team I would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for our cooperation so far. It has been for many companies and families a very hard year, but for PV and Nanosun 2020 has been the best year ever. I believe it’s thanks to our great cooperation, hard work, but also thanks to our Dear Father in Heaven, who has blessed us immensely and he has a plan with Nanosun and each one of us. I believe He wants to bless you and us and we shall be a blessing to others too.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Also thank s to you we achieved following In 2020:
- We have sold ca 70 MW of solar panels and inverters
- We have build more that 1000 kWp and cleaned more than 1 mil m2 of panels
- We reached ca 10 mil EUR in turnover which is a growth more than 60% from 2019 Glory to God!
- We have grown from 18 to 23 team members
- We have got new website and are working hard on new b2b Webshop
- We became official distributor of Sungrow and Longi, Ja solar
Many thanks to all of you for making this possible.
So in 2021 we wish you: May your business grow and your families be healthy and may it be a good year for you!